Recently Made

Boxes and Toys I have made. All custom made to order. 
Email me TreeToBox@gmail to start a discussion of your ideas for a
Custom Wooden Box or Toy.

Small cards - Easter

Small cards - Palm Sunday

Multiple wooden hinged boxes


ABC Toy Blocks

ABC Toy Blocks

2023 Toys donated

2023 Christmas Ornaments

Keepsake box 



Chess Pieces box - TreeToBox 

 Recipe box with Hummingbirds - TreeToBox
Menorah - TreeToBox 
 ABC Blocks Handcarved and woodburned -TreeToBox
 Gun box with two drawers -TreeToBox
 Sometimes I just make little gifts for family, friends and people I meet, as random acts of kindness.
















 Keepsake box
 Keepsake box - treetobox


 Wooden rifle case

Custom wooden boxes and toys